Saturday, December 17, 2011

Angklung, Traditional Music Instrument

Bamboo is the raw material of the Angklung. Selected on the basis of age ie at least 4 years and not more than 6 years and cut in the dry season from 9 am until 3 pm today. After cutting the base of the bamboo tree, with a size of approximately 2-3  ground, bamboo should be kept for about a week, so bamboo benar2 not contain water.After a week, bamboo should be separated from its branches. And cut to a certain size range. 

Then, the bamboo should be kept for about a year to prevent it from pests. Some procedures are: by immersing bamboo in mud puddles, ponds or rivers, can also be smoked on the hearth way (diunun), and modern procedure: by using a specific chemical formula.
To be understood that the Angklung made of bamboo material, construction or strength unlike metallic materials, so it needs maintenance and good storage. Angklung is well made from bamboo that has passed the quality control is good. Long storage before being processed into Angklung bamboo must be at least one year old. This drying process works in order Angklung bamboo made produce precise sound / loud and less susceptible to pest termites. Angklung age when treatment is better able to reach 10 years. Here are the steps that can be done to maintain the instrument Angklung:
Angklung Once arrived at the new place, immediately open and hang on the pole standards that have been provided. In a cardboard storage / enclosed places more than 7 days may lead to changes in sound and penjamuran on bamboo.
  •     Angklung storage should be by hanging, not stacked.
  •     Angklung storage must be in a dry, not humid with temperatures ranging from 25-33 C.
  •     Do not store in the open Angklung that get sun / rain directly.
  •     To maintain Angklung of penjamuran and termites, using anti termite and fungal production SAU regularly 2 weeks once the spraying process.
To maintain the quality of the sound do the tuning / re-tuning Angklung periodically. The move from where we Angklung (Saung Angklung Udjo) to a new place (where the buyer) will slightly affect the voice (usually up around 30 Hz), because the condition is not the same  temperature. To combat this, stem re-(re-stem) needs to be done. For Angklung is stored in hot areas with air temperature> 30 C sometimes causes a slight crack on the base of the tube. This does not interfere with the sound, and treatment given enough wood glue.

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